Transfer students are a population all their own. They come with previously completed credits, knowledge of enrollment steps at their previous institution and maybe some worries about making the switch. So, how can we help?
U.S. News recently published an article about transferring that included some of the most frequently asked questions by transfer students. They include:
What are the first steps?
How do I know if my credits will transfer?
Am I eligible for aid?
How can I pick the right school the second time around?
The conversations with this population are different as well as their concerns. Knowing the students who are most interested in transferring to your institution allows you to message those who are most serious. Marketing content on transfer pages is a great feature to help flag those serious transfer perusers while getting them their first level of info. It allows your teams to know which visitors are most beneficial to reach out to.
Ways to Use Marketing and Content
These students are wondering about financial options, credits that will transfer, visits/events, etc. Utilizing toasters and other content on your site offers your transfer prospects a bread trail to answers. Additionally, once these students interact with content, your admissions staff will have a cleaner list of those serious about transferring. I pulled content to show some of the ways schools are reaching their transfer populations.
Let them know early if their credits can be assessed: Does your institution allow credit assessment before application? This toaster gained a lot of attention from transfer students. With a link to a credit evaluator tool or to the process for evaluation, this toaster gives prospective students insight into their degree planning if they transfer.
Find them where they’re searching using Google display ads: With the ability to input 15 search words, setting up a Google Display Ad allows you to meet your prospective transfers where they’re searching.
Showcase transfer events: Inviting your transfers to experience campus for themselves, whether live or virtually, allows them to get a feel for campus life and exploration of a good fit.
Let them know their financial options: Last but surely not least, letting these students know if you have any financial offerings specifically for transfer students helps them know the financial viability of them transferring. On top of that, EVERYONE loves a scholarship.
I’ve always had a soft spot for transfer students. They’ve made their college decision, and have been through enrollment previously, and for whatever reason, it’s time to move on to a new institution. They have a base of knowledge of what they need to do to enroll, but they have a lot of questions because they want to make the right decision this next time. Meaningful connections with any prospective student can be the decision maker, but, particularly for transfers, a certain level of guidance and reassurance is needed to help them feel confident that this move is a great fit.
Cat Hollands, Client Trainer, Capture Higher Ed