As you finally get those “butts in seats” for Fall 2022, it’s time to take a breath, right? Nope. As I remember it, you get a few quick breaths as you close out one enrollment cycle before revving up and doing it all again.
As we deploy our 2023 recruitment efforts, it’s time to think about the tools at your disposal.
While I’ve met with many of your counselors for ENGAGE refresh training, I’d like to offer another helpful session. Does your team travel to recruit? Are they using their Daily Visitor Reports (DVRs) to play “prospective student ESP” in their communications?
Travel Season
As your counselors gear up for recruitment and travel season, maybe it’s time to get trained on using Capture’s TRAVEL model. Our TRAVEL feature uses predictive modeling to find your most likely applicants, whether in known territories or, better yet, new territories that may be fruitful to add.
Up Your DVR Game
Utilizing our DVRs, counselors can filter for students who may have missed the deadline for Fall 2022 and get them ready for Spring or after. The DVR is a great tool to export lists of your students, segment out populations based on enrollment year, funnel status, etc, to segment out your communications. Additionally, utilizing visitor profiles to communicate with your prospective students, based on what you know behind the scenes, makes your outreach consistently relevant and compelling.
As the recruitment cycle proceeds throughout the year, I’d be happy to meet with your team to demonstrate how the platform data can be used to enhance your efforts along the way. Don’t be shy. I’m at your disposal!
By Cat Hollands, Client Trainer, Capture Higher Ed