Solutions>Digital advertising

Drive Inquiries and Applications

With traditional marketing methods becoming less effective, institutions are turning more to digital marketing to drive inquiries and applications. Develop, execute, and measure a complete digital marketing plan with search engine marketing; digital display marketing; customized social media advertising; social, web, and email retargeting; interactive and video ads; and focused landing pages that allow you to influence and encourage prospective students to take important next steps.

dart board on top of analytical charts
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Marketing

Become the search destination of your future students.

Stay top of mind and top of page when students and families search for keywords and terms that align with your institution and programs. Search engine marketing brings new prospective students to your website and reengages your already identified prospects.

Digital Display Marketing

Message your future students wherever they go on the internet.

Stand out with rich, dynamic display ads that meet your prospective students where they are on the world wide web. Digital display ads, with messaging based on your prospective student’s behavior, result in more inquiries and applications.

Digital Display Ads
man on a laptop browsing social media icons
social Media advertising

Influence your future students where they go to be influenced.

Don’t let your social media advertising be outdated and ineffective. Connect with your prospective students on social media platforms based on their interests and demographics. Engage your audience through highly targeted social media ads that increase your brand awareness and generate inquiries and applications.

Social, Web, and Email Retargeting

Retarget your future students beyond their initial engagement.

Reengage your email database as well as website and social channel visitors through retargeting digital advertising. Segment populations and retarget visitors according to interest and the specific pages they visited on your website and the interactions they had on your social channels. Also, retarget specific prospects within your database through their email addresses.

woman in front of a globe with map pins targeting locations
Interactive and Video Ads
Interactive and Video Ads

Grab the attention of your future students through video and animated ads.

95% of people ages 18-29 in the U.S. use and engage with video content daily. Video and animation are essential tools for reaching prospective students on their preferred platforms. Target specific individuals to view your video and animated ads to move them along their enrollment journey.

Landing Pages

Flexible, Focused, and Fully Branded.

Generate inquiries, offer financial aid calculators, and facilitate a variety of web forms, documents, and other informational materials. Capture’s landing pages allow you to influence and encourage students to take important next steps, advancing them through their enrollment journey while you gain valuable profile information throughout the process.   

Landing Pages
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