Are you troubled by strange noises on your university website? Do you experience feelings of dread on your social media platforms or other digital assets? Would you and your enrollment team like to identify the ghostly, stealthy prospective students researching their education options on your website or elsewhere online?
If the answer is yes, then don’t wait another minute. Just pick up the phone and call the professionals — Capture Higher Ed.
Who Ya Gonna Call?
The ghost, or stealth, prospective student problem has three prongs. Without knowing who a potential student is, it’s difficult to 1) communicate with that student; 2) plan for your class; and 3) gauge how engaged a student is if they have not filled out an inquiry form, been on campus visit, or otherwise engaged with your admissions team.
Capture’s ENGAGE, marketing automation software developed specifically for higher ed recruitment, alleviates all three problems. By identifying students who are actively engaged with an institution’s website, the software brings these students out of ghost mode and enables our client universities to know who these students are and communicate with them individually.
During a recent enrollment cycle, Capture identified about 8,000 students per client institution on average. That’s enough engaged students to fill their classes seven times.
Many of these students were identified through a Capture Progressive Identification (PID) form, an interactive and dynamic form that requests and collects pertinent information. Interactions with and information from these forms are tracked on the student’s profile. For the average Capture client institution, students that applied after being identified on a PID form deposited at 14x the rate of the general application pool.
What’s more, students who saw Capture’s content applied at 11x the rate of students who did not. Of prospective students who saw Capture’s Dynamic Content (PID forms, toasters, popovers, etc.) before application, 31% went on to apply. For those who did not, only 2.7% went on to apply. Capture’s content reached 30% of applicants before applying.
The software also enables schools to measure the level of engagement of these students through the Capture Affinity Index (CAI). The average CAI of these students is 86, or more engaged than 86 percent of all visitors. This means these students are quite engaged; the school just did not know who they were — yet.
By bringing students out of ghost mode, by marketing to them based on their interests before you even know their name, and by gauging their engagement with the school, ENGAGE makes the ghost applicant problem a thing of the past.
Our courteous and efficient staff is on call 24 hours a day to serve all your ghost prospective student needs.
“We’re ready to help with your enrollment and recruitment challenges!” Contact Capture today.
By Kevin Hyde, Senior Content Manager, Capture Higher Ed