In Session, the new series hosted by Capture CEO Leonard Napolitano. The live-streamed, industry-wide discussion program features enrollment, marketing and tech leaders, experts and innovators from across the higher ed landscape in conversation with Napolitano about the latest issues, trends and strategies during this new, rapidly changing era of college recruiting.
Napolitano brings his passion for disruptive innovation to these 45-minute discussions and debates meant to inform, excite and inspire about the innovation taking place within enrollment management and university marketing. In the first edition of In Session, “Enrollment and Innovation,” Napolitano welcomes:
- Greg Davies, Founder and CEO of Full Measure Education
- Matt Pittinsky, CEO of Parchment
Streaming nationwide on YouTube, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitch and Periscope, In Session includes opportunities to join the conversation by submitting questions before, during and after each edition. Registration is encouraged but not required. Make plans to tune in to these interesting and powerful “sessions” as Napolitano and his guests talk through ways to help guide higher education institutions through these transformative times.