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How Do Predictive Engines Work in Higher Ed?

We know that Envision, Capture Higher Ed’s cutting-edge predictive engine for higher education, makes predictions. We know that Envision needs student record data to make those predictions. But what happens between feeding student data in and getting predictions...
How to Save Thousands on Your Direct Mail Spend

How to Save Thousands on Your Direct Mail Spend

At Capture Higher Ed we talk a lot about spending smarter instead of spending more — that there are diminishing returns to just pouring more money into student recruitment and hoping to get more students. In the admissions office, direct mail is the poster child for...
Birth Rates and Bubbles: Higher Ed’s Challenge of Finding Freshmen

Birth Rates and Bubbles: Higher Ed’s Challenge of Finding Freshmen

This month, The Atlantic published an article with a rather ominous title: “Here’s How Higher Education Dies”. It isn’t the first time that higher ed has been referred to as a “bubble” ready to burst, though author Adam Harris suggests we’ll see “less of a sudden pop...
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