Weightlist Episode 1 – Begin At The Beginning

In the inaugural Weightlist podcast, Thom and Brad discuss the show itself and what sort of topics will be covered. Namely: data, enrollment management, data science, machine learning, and of course, beer, music, and tacos.

Show Notes

Thom: West Sixth Brewing, IPA, Lexington, KY, westsixth.com
Brad: Rhinegeist Franz, Cincinnati, OH, www.rhinegeist.com

Artist: Revolution Void, via Cheshire Records, freemusicarchive.org/music/Revolution_Void
Track: Someone Else’s Memories, freemusicarchive.org/music/Revolution_Void/The_Politics_of_Desire/revolution_void_-_03_-_someone_elses_memories

Used under Creative Commons Attribution License, creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0, No revisions made.