Weightlist Episode 9 – Agile Enrollment Featuring Eric Shriner

In 2001, a group of computer scientists gathered at a resort to collectively rethink the methods that had dominated software development projects for decades. This rise of “agile development” emphasized cross-functional teams operating within rapid iterative cycles and fast feedback loops and has fundamentally changed not only software development, but also organizational effectiveness. Keeping up with the ever evolving interests and needs of adolescents and young adults requires an equally rapid set of organizational habits within admissions offices. What can enrollment managers learn from agile development organizations like Google X? Eric Shriner, Vice President of Information Technology at Capture Higher Ed grabs a brew and joins the conversation.

Thom: Sweetwater Brewing Company, Atlanta, GA, sweetwaterbrew.com
18 Belgian-Style Tripel Ale, https://untappd.com/b/sweetwater-brewing-company-18-belgian-style-tripel-ale/971296
Brad: Boulevard Brewing Company, Kansas City, MO, boulevard.com
Tell Tale Tart, https://untappd.com/b/boulevard-brewing-co-tell-tale-tart/1101942
Eric: Goodwood Brewing, Louisville, KY, goodwood.beer
Walnute Brown Ale, https://untappd.com/b/goodwood-brewing-walnut-brown-ale/1077766

Free State Brewing, Lawrence, KS, www.freestatebrewing.com
Standish Group 2015 Chaos Report, https://www.infoq.com/articles/standish-chaos-2015
NCAA Bracket Combinations: http://www.businessinsider.com/9-quintillion-ncaa-brackets-odds75808-2011-3
Bounded Rationality, Simon, H. A. (1957). Models of man; social and rational, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounded_rationality
Agile Manifesto, http://agilemanifesto.org

We kept it gray!, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjRd9h8xBiE

Artist: Doctor Turtle, http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Doctor_Turtle
Track: It Looks Like The Future, But It Feels Like The Past, http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Doctor_Turtle/Flush_Your_Rolex_1416/it_looks_like_the_future_but_it_feels_like_the_past

Used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0, No revisions made.