What happens when a young start-up rethinks the decades old practice of a lump sum approach to awarding financial aid? On The Weightlist this week we chat with George Kirkland, Co-Founder of Raise.me, a company that invented the concept of micro-scholarships and in so doing, has turned the financial aid industry on its head. What is the role of companies like Raise in fostering innovation in higher ed, how can data be used to promote equitable access, and what is the psychology behind mass discounting? Along the way, Thom and Brad discuss the latest in Prior-Prior Year FAFSA completions, educational attainment, and where are all the jet packs we were promised by now. Grab a pint and join the conversation.
Thom: Terrapin Beer Company, Athens, GA, terrapinbeer.com
Recreation Ale
Brad: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Milton, DE, www.dogfish.com
Namaste 2016
Brad: Educational Attainment in the U.S. among people ages 25-29
Thom: Why Invest in Increasing FAFSA Completion, National College Access Network, December, 2016
Additional Resources:
Raise Me, https://www.raise.me
The 21 Winners Of The Facebook, Gates Foundation Education App Contest Are Making College Easier
Choice Architecture:
Thaler Explains How “Choice Architecture” Makes the World a Better Place
Artist: Kevin MacLeod
Track: Hustle
Used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/, No revisions made.